If you're seeing this message, it means the sign in details you've used (email address, account number or password) haven't been recognised.
First of all - are you logging in with an account that hasn't been used online before? If so, please register your account.
If you originally opened your account online, don't worry - it's already registered.
Next, please check the following:
- If you're using your email address to sign in, have you used .com when it should be .co.uk? Or .co.uk when it should be .com?
- Have you put any spaces in your email address? If so, please remove them.
- 0 (zero) and O for Oscar look very similar; if these are present in your account number, email address or password, have you used the correct one?
- If you've changed your password recently and have an online password manager set up to auto-fill your passwords, have you updated this?
If you want to check what you entered in the 'Password' field, select ‘Show’ to see if you typed it correctly. To hide your password, just press it again.
Still seeing the same error message?
You may want to try a password reset.
- Select the 'Forgot your details?' button on the Sign In page.
- Enter your account number or email address.
- You’ll be sent an email with instructions on how to reset your password.
Haven't received the reset email?
Please see I’ve not received my password reset email for guidance.